To better align with REST API standards and best practices, Imperva is gradually rolling out a new version of APIs, available for your use in managing your accounts and services.

The APIs documented in this section either provide an alternative to existing APIs, or provide APIs with new functionality.

All existing version 1 APIs continue to be supported.

What's new in Version 2 and 3?

  • Naming and formatting conventions for the HTTP requests are consistent with REST API standards and best practices. For example:
    • The resource to operate on, such as the rule ID, is included in the core HTTP request and not as an additional parameter.
    • Parameters are sent in JSON format in the body of the request, and not as form data.
  • In addition to POST, other common HTTP methods are used (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
  • In addition to reporting error codes in the response body, proper HTTP response status codes are now also returned.


The API has the following characteristics:

  • Authentication parameters are sent as headers.
  • All other parameters are specified in JSON format in the request body.
  • All requests are in SSL.
  • Response content is provided as a JSON document.
  • UTF-8 encoding is always used.
  • Standard HTTP response error codes are used.


For the full list of APIs, see: