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Database Activity Monitoring User Guide

Source Type
Application Security
Data Security
Network Security
Application Performance
Product Versions
Hypervisor Installation
Document Type
Public Cloud
    Community Content Type
      Product Area
      This guide
      Table of Contents

      Dynamic Profiling

       Dynamic Profiling

      SecureSphere's Dynamic Profiling technology automatically examines traffic to create a comprehensive profile of their structure and behavior. Dynamic profiling overcomes the biggest drawback of other application and database security and compliance solutions – manual creation and maintenance of audit controls and security policies. Valid application and database changes are automatically recognized and incorporated into the profile over time, ensuring that SecureSphere detects potentially malicious exceptional activity. Administrators can manually tune and control the automatically generated profile at any time.

      SecureSphere begins creating an application’s profile the first time it sees traffic for the application. Over time, SecureSphere sees more traffic and refines the profile accordingly. Eventually SecureSphere builds an accurate model of the application and begins to enforce the profile. All of this happens automatically, though at every stage the administrator can manually tune the profile to improve its accuracy.

      Applications change with time and a profile that does not change to reflect the application’s new behavior soon becomes outdated and its value diminishes as it generates an increasing number of false positives. Requiring administrators to manually update the profile is expensive and error-prone. Instead, SecureSphere implements the only practical solution: automatic updates based on application traffic. The APU (Automatic Profile Update) feature dynamically modifies the protected elements of a profile so that the profile remains up-to-date even as the Web application changes.

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