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Database Activity Monitoring User Guide

Source Type
Application Security
Data Security
Network Security
Application Performance
Product Versions
Hypervisor Installation
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      This guide

      Configuring Imperva DAM to Export a DAM Agents Report to Imperva Sonar

      Table of Contents

      Configuring Imperva DAM to Export a DAM Agents Report to Imperva Sonar

       Configuring Imperva DAM to Export a DAM Agents Report to Imperva Sonar

      Before you can configure Imperva On-Premises to export DAM agent reports to Imperva Sonar, you need to configure the appropriate action set that sends the csv file. For more information, see Configuring Imperva DAM to Export Reports to Imperva Sonar - Common Instructions.

      To export a DAM agents report to Imperva Sonar:

      1. From the zip file you extracted in Downloading and Extracting the Reports Templates, select the file sonar_agents_report.imf and click Open.
      2. In the Passphrase field, type imperva.
      3. Click Import. A new report called SonarAgentsReport_<MX-NAME> appears under Reports.
      4. Select the report.
      5. Select the General Details tab.
      6. Under Report Format, verify that .CSV is selected.
      7. Under Followed Action, select the action set you created.
      8. Select the Scheduling tab.
      9. It is recommended that you schedule this report to run every ten minutes, as the agent state is dynamic.
      10. Click Save.
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