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Database Activity Monitoring User Guide

Source Type
Application Security
Data Security
Network Security
Application Performance
Product Versions
Hypervisor Installation
Document Type
Public Cloud
    Community Content Type
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      Static Protect Mode

       Static Protect Mode

      When a query group is in Static Protect mode, SecureSphere enforces the group’s current list of queries and new queries are not allowed.

      If SecureSphere sees a query that matches the query group but the group does not include a matching query, SecureSphere generates an Unauthorized Query violation. For more information, see Query Groups Tab.

      SecureSphere switches a query group from learning to Static Protect mode when it determines that it has already seen and created all the queries for this group. This determination is usually made after a certain period of time has elapsed and no new queries have been created for the group. For more information, see the Systems Definitions chapter in SecureSphere Administration Guide.

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