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Database Activity Monitoring User Guide

Source Type
Application Security
Data Security
Network Security
Application Performance
Product Versions
Hypervisor Installation
Document Type
Public Cloud
    Community Content Type
      Product Area
      This guide

      Configuring Default Domain Credentials

      Table of Contents

      Configuring Default Domain Credentials

       Configuring Default Domain Credentials

      Domain credentials are the credentials you require in order to access your company’s Windows domain. This procedure is only required when working in a Windows domain.

      To configure a domain credentials:

      1. In the Main workspace, select Setup > Global Objects. The Global Objects window appears.
      2. In the Objects dropdown list, select Windows Domain. Existing Windows Domains are displayed.
      3. In the Globals Tree, click New. The Create Windows Domain dialog box opens.
      4. Type a name for the Windows Domain, then click Create. The new domain is created and its details are displayed in the right-hand side of the window.
      5. Under Default Domain Credentials, type the following:
        • Domain: Enter your LDAP/Active Directory domain name prefix.
        • User: Enter the username needed to access the domain.
        • Password: Enter the password that matches the username.
        • Verify Password: Re-enter the password.
      6. To confirm that the credentials you have entered are correct, proceed as follows:
        1. Click Save.
        2. Click Test Credentials.

        If you receive an error message, review the credentials.

      7. Click Save. The settings are saved and the domain credentials have been configured.
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